Iris and Matsuri (All Kingdoms)

The God of Harmony, Irisshu, left behind a book recording a leader's destiny to be guarded by the twin sisters.
Both sisters are Temple Maidens and are believed to have perished in Izumo a long time ago. But they still fullfill their special task.
Their fighting skills are very special and somehow similar to those of the bare-handed fighters of Topas who, compared to Izumo's samurai and ninja fighters, don't use katanas in battle but their fists only. Perhaps, Kazabu, a gifted fighting monk and teacher of Leon, was involved. Besides, Iris is the younger and Matsuri
is the elder sister.

(Text: © PS2 Game CD, translated by
M. Dehne-Visic and W.Landgraf)

Profession: Monks
Start Troops: Monks 

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